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100-Gbps QSFP28 CWDM4 Optical Transceiver


•Product Performance:
 *Compliant to IEEE 802.3bm electrical specifications Clause 83E (CAUI-4)
 *Compliant to CWDM4 MSA
 *Compliant to QSFP28 MSA Specifications, including SFF-8665 Rev. 1.9
 *Up to 2km link length over single mode fiber at 100Gbps
 *Duplex LC receptacles
 *Low power consumption: Max. 3.5W
 *BER better than 10-12 with FEC-Off
 *I²C Management Interface
 *Hot pluggable electrical interface
 *0 to 70°C case temperature operating range
 *RoHS-6 Compliant

 *100GbE Ethernet linkage
 *InfiniBand and HPC interconnects
 *Datacom switch/router interconnections

•Data Sheet:
 Please contact Sales